
Book review for Avinash's Web Analytics 2.0

Today my post of book review for Avinash's "Web Analytics 2.0" has been published at Markezine.

The review for Web Analytics 2.0 is here for you to check out, but sorry it is written in Japanese.

The key phrases I chose to introduce for my paisanos are;
  • 10/90 Rule
  • Context is Queen
  • Failing faster
  • Segment or go home

They are my favorite.

If I could have add more topics in my book review, I would have written about followings;
  • Focus on the critical few
  • Lifecycle  process metrics
In addition to the above mentioned insightful articles, I think the real value of the book is in the fact that it's totally think-provoking.

If your job is one of the followings, you MUST read it.

Web Analyst
Web Consultant
Analytics tool vendor

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